Yusuke Fujiwara

Results 8 issues of Yusuke Fujiwara

欧文文字(手元で確かめたところでは `\u00C0` ~ `\u017F` の範囲)が入った `@{...}` があると「Package inputenc Error: Invalid UTF-8 byte sequence.」というエラーになります。 なお、`@{...}` インライン命令でも同様にエラーとなり、`@{...}` インライン命令では問題となりません。また、Webmakerでは問題ありません。 ### 環境 dockerhubにある `vvakame/review:4.1` と `vvakame/review:5.0` を利用させていただいてます。 ([gibhubに公開されているDockerfile](https://github.com/vvakame/docker-review/blob/master/Dockerfile)) ### 入力ファイル ``` = test @{Edelweiß}...

### Environment * Service Client: Microsoft.Azure.Devices v1.16.0-preview1 * Docker images: * edgeHub: microsoft/azureiotedge-hub:1.0-preview * edgeAgent: microsoft/azureiotedge-agent:1.0-preview * tempSensor: microsoft/azureiotedge-simulated-temperature-sensor:1.0-preview ### Symptom I tested preview IoT Edge for internet connectivity scenario...

Currently, there are some legacy techniques for build artifact versioning, it caused release failure of 1.0.1. We should fix build scripts to use more simple and modern matter for versioning....


`.editorconfig` is staled because of latest visual studio update introduces case block indentation settings.


There are only `Stream` based APIs in MessagePack for CLI, but following APIs looks usable: * `byte[]` based API. Sometimes (more often as I imagined) array based API is quite...


`ValueTuple` should be serialized as `System.Tuple` because they also basic types.


As described [.NET documentation](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/extensions/dependency-injection), developers expect that services (and function instances) should be disposed even when they only implement `IAsyncDisposable`. In fact, `IServiceProvider` created from `Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollection` handles `IAsyncDisposable`, but Azure...

I found that when I use `OAuth2Helper.getToken()` to authorize for GitHub API using `GitHubOAuth2Client`, the cached token is not used in next call. ### Expected behavior The cached token in...