
Results 33 comments of Yannis

Hi, appending is done like so: $('#container').freetile({ contentToAppend: '.newElementsClass' }); what sort of problem do you encounter?

Hi, Freetile does not handle automatic loading of new elements when scrolling down. It only handles appending them to the collection, but you should make sure that the elements actually...

Thanks for pointing this out. It seems that it is related to setting width in percentage, i.e. if you set a fixed width (e.g. 200px) it works fine.. I'll be...

@VincentFTS Not really. Tried @DeSandro's getSize to circumvent this but it broke some stuff so I had to let it go.

You're right about a) so I flagged your issue as an enhancement. But I don't understand what's the benefit of b)? Just placing the last thumb on the leftmost position?...

Sounds good. Will try to implement at some point.

Indeed this is a known behaviour. However, not testing dimensions results in erratic behaviour in IE as in [here](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1852751/window-resize-event-firing-in-internet-explorer). A solution could be to include a browser test and accordingly...

Not tested with iframe. I'm leaving this open for anyone with relevant experience to chime in. Thanks.

Hi, thanks for the report. This used to work but I guess it broke sometime. It's been quite hectic around here lately, but I'll hopefully have some time to look...

I went ahead and did a full upgrade to Kicad 6.0.4 -- all default options. Now the error is ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError: [WinError 2]...