Yawar Amin

Results 110 comments of Yawar Amin

Opam supports lockfiles, with exact version numbers of all direct and transitive dependencies. Here's a tutorial: https://khady.info/opam-sandbox.html (note, in latest opam versions `opam lock` is a built-in command, no longer...

Can I add one more point here–how to configure the PPX with dune? It's not always immediately obvious to users how to set up a PPX–e.g. what's the exact name...

@tatchi I had not, got distracted by other things 😅 Please feel free!

@aantron so I'm using the htmx library and implementing the [Active Search](https://htmx.org/docs/#trigger-modifiers) pattern with it, by default it makes the query request even if the input field value is empty:...

I am able to reproduce this on macOS Monterrey 12.0.1, by running an HTTP load testing tool against dream, e.g. ``` # From https://github.com/wg/wrk wrk -c 10 -d 10s -t...

Would it be possible with the same syntax? I.e. `/foo/:bar.:ext`

Yes, that will definitely work. I suppose that reduces this request to more about type-safety ergonomics :-) If I may provide another data point, the Play Framework does something very...

Oh, totally slipped my mind :-) Please go ahead and make your repo, I might pull in the updates!

Discussion in https://reasonml.chat/t/string-literals-and-string-module-issues/2662

Parentheses were added for constructing lazy values in #2376. However I guess we missed adding them to the `lazy(...)` pattern as well at the time (I didn't know it could...