Should be resolved, see this issue #453
No problem, if the fix works for you feel free to close this out.
I looked more into that example, and that `clear()` [doesn't seem to do anything either](https://github.com/android/snippets/blob/1d381ff086395f4c3bd9bb8b5085ab67bb3e9a0f/compose/snippets/src/main/java/com/example/compose/snippets/interop/InteroperabilityAPIsSnippets.kt#L233) The documentation says the callback "may be used to reset any transient View state like...
Can you post a logcat here the next time this happens?
I'll see if I can replicate it on a 4.0.3 VM
I'm not seeing any white thumbnails running chanu 2.0.7 on 4.0.3. If you are rooted please provide a logcat the next time it happens because i'm not able to reproduce...
I don't see anything in there that helps :(. Does this happen immediately or do you have to browse for a while before it goes white? When you click the...
Sure, that sounds cool :)