Yarden Sod-Moriah

Results 5 comments of Yarden Sod-Moriah

Thanks for reporting an issue! Does the file `~/.op/config` exists in your machine and filled properly with your details? If not, follow the [initial login instructions](https://github.com/yardnsm/tmux-1password#usage) in the README. I've...

Hey! I couldn't reproduce this issue, so I've added a simple [debug mode](https://github.com/yardnsm/tmux-1password#debug-mode) to the recent version of the plugin (#26). Could you please enable it as follows and attach...

I've merged #18, which continues #13. You can revert the changes from #13 and it should be fine 👌

Yeah, actual implementation should go right into the `import-cost` package that *this* plugin uses, so we need to wait until https://github.com/wix/import-cost/issues/23 is closed. Adding the `autocmd` for Vue filetypes is...

Sounds cool, I'll add it to the todo list.