tmux-1password icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
tmux-1password copied to clipboard

Fails to fetch the items

Open dentuzhik opened this issue 5 years ago • 5 comments

Hey, I didn't manage to launch it with my 1password config, it seems that it crashes with session error, but I am pretty sure that I have op cli session running through CLI.

The question is how do I debug it to provide more info? I have looked into the source and .op_tmux_token_tmp was empty, but situation didn't change after I filled it with a session from op cli manually.

I have a suspicion that JQ fails to parse the output. kapture 2018-10-21 at 12 51 27

dentuzhik avatar Oct 21 '18 09:10 dentuzhik

Thanks for reporting an issue!

Does the file ~/.op/config exists in your machine and filled properly with your details? If not, follow the initial login instructions in the README.

I've deleted that file in my machine, and the plugin behaves just like in your gif.

yardnsm avatar Oct 21 '18 12:10 yardnsm

Hey, thanks for a quick reply. Yes I do have the configuration file, seems legit (especially since CLI listing works) and, looks like this: image

Occasionally I see some error flashing, is there some way to keep the pane open to see it better?

dentuzhik avatar Oct 22 '18 07:10 dentuzhik

I can confirm this is still an issue. "op list items" returns what I would expect so I know the CLI toolset is working. I don't know if this is something you even monitor anymore but it would be great to have this tool in tmux.

sean-d avatar Oct 18 '21 20:10 sean-d

Hey! I couldn't reproduce this issue, so I've added a simple debug mode to the recent version of the plugin (#26).

Could you please enable it as follows and attach the output?

tmux set-option -g @1password-debug "on"

yardnsm avatar Oct 22 '21 16:10 yardnsm

The issue for me was not your plugin, it wound up being an issue with terminfo funnily enough. I back-burnered this issue until I had time...which looked to be many months from when I posted above. Sorry about that. was my saving grace.

sean-d avatar Jun 15 '22 19:06 sean-d