用 meta core 是正常的,用 premium core 会遇到下面的 Bug: * 主配置里同时存在 RULE-SET 和 rule-providers 时:merge 文件里不能用 rule-providers 和/或 RULE-SET。否则,整个 merge 文件的内容都不生效。 * 主配置里只存在 rule-providers,不存在 RULE-SET;或者主配置 rule-providers 和 RULE-SET 都不存在时:merge 文件里使用 rule-providers...
能不能给这些常用的命令加上自定义快捷键的功能,类似 Clash for Windows。 或者加上命令行参数,在软件运行时支持调用,方便使用外部命令。比如 `Clash Verge --tun-mode=off`。 对于键盘党是非常实用的功能。
Currently, OneDriveBully can run multiple clients at the same time, which may cause some problems.
Thanks for this great tool! The query speed is relatively slow when there are many dictionaries or a dictionary with many entries. I found a project, [django-mdict](https://github.com/jiangnianshun/django-mdict), which uses cython...
提高进程优先级并不会提高脚本的运行速度。提高进程优先级只意味着如果有多个进程同时在运行,可以让进程优先执行,增加 CPU 时间。进程优先级只需要比普通进程更高即可达到目的。 设置过高的优先级反而会增加负载,让系统更卡顿,对提升程序的响应性没有帮助。 > Don’t set your important processes to ‘High’ or ‘Real-Time’. This can cause complications and is usually ineffective at improving application responsiveness. > > Remember, giving...
gVim 对 `f F t T r` 等命令的支持非常得人性化,中文输入非常友好。按下 `f` 等命令后,输入法状态和插入模式的相同。结束命令回到普通模式,自动切换到英文输入法。 我尝试了一下,好像只有改写这些命令才能实现类似 gVim 的行为。vim-im-select 能不能支持这些命令?下面是我做的尝试: ```viml nnoremap f call FindChar('f') function! FindChar(motion) abort " 切换到和插入模式相同的输入法状态 " 调用原本的 f 命令 let l:c...
On `CmdlineEnter`, switch to the same input method as insert mode or the previous input method before leaving command line / search mode. (As if `imsearch` is `-1`, `1` or...
Sometimes, we wish to use our own dictionary instead of the built-in one, such as a dictionary that contains only American English. Currently, we can only manually delete all entries...