Yaniv Eliash

Results 6 issues of Yaniv Eliash

panic: Can't run remote command: ssh: must specify HostKeyCallback

I've tried to swap firefox with chrome without success, any suggestions ? > RUN wget -q -O - https://dl-ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub | sudo apt-key add - > RUN sudo sh -c 'echo...

So I upgraded mu RPi to buster, it's a Pi Zero W. Been using it for igate for a while with RTL SDR without issues. Running the following command on...

Using APRS-IS work great while trying to audio out on AFSK with 3 different devices gave zero results. Note 9 LG V20 Galaxy TAB S Tried all 3 without any...


I'm trying to run version 0.93 with a local private registry in the logs of the container I can see that the registry is unreachable. Ping to the hostname works...

Hi, Would appreciate for future use `requirements.txt` file for easy dependency installation. Thanks
