Yaniv Ben Hemo

Results 14 comments of Yaniv Ben Hemo

@Goodnessuc Thank you! Fixed.

@Oleg26Dev Would be great to have you in our coming discussions, https://join.slack.com/t/memphiscommunity/shared_invite/zt-1bdp9ydfk-QpwYIOTz4nkvTGtEL6kJYQ

@gedw99, another great feature! Go straight to this year's backlog.

Thanks for the request @zakiaziz. This Q is pretty filled up. The way we usually operate is - a) Placing the FR in the backlog, waiting for more upvotes. b)...

Hey @gedw99, Thanks for the feature request! It definitely makes sense and it's in our roadmap for Q4. Our current approach would be to create a sliding window, made out...

Hey @Qodestackr, @karllhughes, Paypal / Stripe form.

Great to have you here @ZakharE ! Adding @idanasulinmemphis

Hey @idanasulinmemphis @ZakharE, What is our status?

Hey @Big-Vi , would like to work on it?