Support filtering TargetFrameworks and PackageType in BaGet.Azure.TableSearchService in backend service.
[Packet Monitor (PktMon)](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/networking/technologies/pktmon/pktmon) was introduced since Windows 10.0.19041. Will PerfView support that?
to = 2^64-1, from = 0, therefore to - from + 1 = 2^64 = 0 for unsigned long long. Is there any solutions to random in [0, 2^64-1] in...
All NuGet packages uploaded to nuget.org will be signed with strong name key in this repo. This might be a breaking change because you can't partially upgrade the package version...
```csharp entityBuilder.Property(e => e.NonNullProperty).IsRequired(); string someNull = null; context.Entities.Where(e => e.NonNullProperty == someNull).BatchUpdateAsync(e => new Entity { ... }); ``` This may lead to the predicate section translated as a...