I use 2.9.3
No, there were problems with previous version 3.0, so I'm using 2.9.3 now.
Because the bones' initial orientation is not compatiable with the SMPL. I have created a [dev](https://github.com/yanch2116/CDBA/tree/dev#make-your-3d-character-compatible-with-romp) branch to fix the bones' rest pose. You can read the code in [fixBones.py](https://github.com/yanch2116/CDBA/blob/dev/addon/ops/fixBones.py)....
@jinfagang I found that the mixamo armature's topology is similar with SMPL, so I just transfer SMPL poses to it. It looks ok but not accurate.
The bones' initial orientation is not compatiable, so need to modify first. https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38496769/185066005-59bc1c27-1c13-48c4-8333-55a3dfe77332.mp4 I have tried a lot character using mixamo auto-rigger and my new script. You can see the...
The bones' initial orientation in SMPL is the same with global coordinate.But when you import mixamo character into Blender, the Blender will set bone's Y-axis along with the bone,so the...
[zhongli.fbx.zip](https://github.com/yanch2116/CDBA/files/9357685/zhongli.fbx.zip) 试试看能不能驱动,这周我会把东西都更新一下。
对,mixamo上有些是和SMPL一样的,我一开始的mixamo的女侠形象就是可以直接驱动的,在blender中看骨头朝向就知道了,如果骨头垂直于手臂,就是可以驱动,如果骨头沿着手臂,就不可以。如果用auto-rigger就全都是沿着手臂的骨架,就需要先处理一下。 fixBones脚本已经完成了,不过整个脚本还有一些东西要更新。
@jinfagang You can now try the `Fix Bones` in the addon to correct the bone orientation for some Mixamo characters.
You can move Pelvis's postion, it's the root joint. Is the character's position right?