
Results 8 issues of chenyu

![image]( 各种报错

Qt5.14 installed win10 The compiler is mingw32 all reported errors when using static libraries,please test! 1.4.2 is succeed!

There are a few questions.The environment is Centos7 1.I tyied use qt creator ,new qt console application,Create a new project TEST,create TEST.service,Then start it with this command. systemctl start TEST.service。...

### 版本、安装方式、系统 1. 你在使用什么版本的v2rayA 2. 你通过什么方式安装v2rayA Offline package 3. 你所使用的操作系统 Ubuntu 22.04 centos 7 ### 描述问题 Import subscription and update subscription failed to resolve subscription address:Get“https……”,dial tcp 128.242.*.253:443:connect :connection...


### Description I hope to support importing file rules for switchomega, migration is really troublesome. The rules it exports are usually as follows: * +proxy * +proxy *.bing.* +proxy *google*...


Looking forward to support Qt 6.2.4 lts

可能你们想不到内网中还有诸多xp sp3用户,好些上古工具还是用vs2010编译的,但问题是VS2010对utf-8和cmake兼容性很差一堆问题,能想到是折中方案官方能支持qt creator+mingw编译,这样就极大的方便了兼容旧版本