
Results 20 comments of yaizudamashii

I would like this feature as well.

Yeah Google doesn't seem to work. I've tried `app.use('/google', proxy('https://www.google.com', { preserveHostHdr: true }));` which yields bad certificate crash, I've also tried ``` app.use('/google', proxy('https://www.google.com', { preserveHostHdr: true, proxyReqOptDecorator: function(proxyReqOpts,...

With removal of `grunt release` is there any other comparable command added to yarn? We need to build custom fork for our production and the dev build has problems with...

> @ayushin I am using the apexlabs-ai branch and have two issues to report. Not sure if it only happened to me or everyone. > > (1) when i tried...

@ayushin Thank you for the clarification. paymentRequestWithNativePay working would be great, other methods aren't that necessary. When I try paymentRequestWithNativePay in stripe_payment.dart:77 `final token = await _channel.invokeMethod("paymentRequestWithNativePay", options);` I get...

I see that canMakeNativePayPayments is returning null, so somehow the browser does not allow payment. Maybe there is some problem with authentication?

@ayushin I read the code a bit more, is this web extension designed to be used in a browser in iOS devices? Do I understand correctly that `canMakeNativePayPayments` is true...

Ok I read the Stripe documentation, no wonder I was getting null back, even when trying with ngrok for https `paymentRequest.canMakePayment only returns true on Safari 10.1+ (desktop and mobile),...

Thank you @ayushin Finally I was able to receive the payment token using chrome with credit card saved, with https, localhost forwarded via ngrok. The example is still not perfect,...

I can't even create a window from the main process. Please include a sample project so we can see how the module works. Thank you.