
Results 20 comments of yaizudamashii

This problem happens because we are using an image as adaptive image background, and somehow that is interpreted as colors. Frankly this package does not work for adaptive icons. We...

I had this when I tried to run PoseNet on an image, the precondition fails where inputTensor bytelength is 4x the input byte's length.

It seems that when loading the model from asset, `_tensor` in `interpreter.dart` already has 4x the number of bytes and trying to `resizeInputTensor` fails

@am15h Actually I am getting a similar error, even without doing anything. ``` I/tflite ( 5512): Initialized TensorFlow Lite runtime. I/flutter ( 5512): Interpreter Created Successfully I/flutter ( 5512): Labels...

Ok false alarm, I had changed the package code and had to repair it using `flutter pub cache repair `

@macrozone Just worked with the command you posted, `yarn install && yarn build && yarn dev` but the repo does not work at all with npm commands! I think updating...

I am getting a similar error trying to get trending video. The commit SHA I'm using is the latest `cb92162346f014919096b02f32d9af1f8728d4dc` from March 21st. your_script.py ``` 1 from TikTokApi import TikTokApi...

You need to use node-fetch, and then provide global access. https://github.com/node-fetch/node-fetch#providing-global-access

> That also didn't work. The problem was that we were navigating to the folder from command line. > `~/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/tflite_flutter-/` this command returns pub cache but not the one inside...