Michael Yagudaev

Results 37 comments of Michael Yagudaev

@seanfcarroll there is a great episode on it here: http://railscasts.com/episodes/343-full-text-search-in-postgresql. We can start with postgres only. I've also been trying to get all of this to work and be more...

Out of curiosity, I looked at mysql and it seems their full-text search is even simpler than pg. https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/fulltext-natural-language.html. Also wanted to note that Django actually has full-text with pg...

@seanfcarroll what do you think about starting off simpler, we can provide a typo tolerant predict like so: ``` *_fuzzy_matches - uses Levenstein distance to compare strings if the distance...

Thanks @seanfcarroll I've started playing around with adding this as a new predicate to Ransack. I'll try to put a draft up at least in the next week or so...

Maybe I'm missing something but I always thought that gem was no longer maintained. There is however pg_search: https://github.com/Casecommons/pg_search -- the name is confusing it should be pg_fts as in...

> Quick Start > Rails 3, Rails 4 > In the project's Gemfile add > Requirements > Ruby 1.9.2 > Copyrights 2011 All these amounts to red flags that say...

> So if a gem supports old versions of Rails and Ruby that's a red flag? More so that it doesn't list the newest versions of Rails and the newest...

@seanfcarroll thanks for the info :). I've got my hands full with two (soon to be three) React projects. Might be a while until I get a chance to do...

@ghilead and @ryanflach thanks guys it works like a charm. It would be nice to add these across the board for any string. This should really be a PR, such...

Since this issue is old, probably good to ask @deivid-rodriguez and @javierjulio if they think it is a good addition. Sadly I don't use AA on any projects currently. Good...