
Results 44 comments of y377

If you can provide a relatively detailed installation process, I think this is a great progress。thank you!

CA uses auth SHA384; will cause most of the openvpn to fail, which is really a **headache**

> > CA uses auth SHA384; > > That's a CA/B requirement when using a p384 intermediate. > > If the CA uses a p256 intermediate it _must_ then use...

Can I take part in Chinese translation? Although mine is not very good, because I know rocket very well, I know what Chinese users need

Yeah, I've been waiting for you to assign me something to translate

hi,you try : ``` bundle update --bundler bundle install jekyll serve -w --host=10.10.10.x ``` my centos7 is ok > [root@tr26 ~]# ruby -v ruby 2.7.2p137 (2020-10-01 revision 5445e04352) [x86_64-linux] [root@tr26...

``` source 'https://rubygems.org' gem 'jekyll' group :jekyll_plugins do gem 'jekyll-sitemap' gem 'jekyll-feed' gem 'jekyll-seo-tag' gem 'jekyll-timeago' end ``` and try : ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/58632405/131037708-427eb23e-6355-44cd-ba15-acf93430ed27.png) is good

> 在克隆git存储库后运行npm install时,我在创建的日志文件中收到下一条错误消息: > > 7839详细堆栈错误:[email protected]安装后:`node scripts/build.js` > 7839详细堆栈退出状态1 > EventEmitter上的7839详细堆栈。(/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/npm-lifecycle/index.js:332:16)EventEmitter.emit(events.js:311:20)的 > 7839详细堆栈,ChildProcess的 > 7839详细堆栈。(/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/npm-lifecycle/lib/spawn.js:55:14)7839 > 详细堆栈位于ChildProcess.emit(events.js:311:20) > 7839详细堆栈位于mayClose( internal / child_process.js:1021:16) > Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit上的7839详细堆栈(internal / child_process.js:286:5) > 7840详细的pkgid [email protected] >...

> > 在克隆git存储库后运行npm install时,我在创建的日志文件中收到下一条错误消息: > > 7839详细错误:[email protected]安装后:`node scripts/build.js` > > 7839详细中断退出状态1 > > EventEmitter上的7839详细示例。(/ usr / local / lib / node_modules / npm / node_modules / npm-lifecycle / index.js: 332:16)EventEmitter.emit(events.js:311:20)的...