使用最新的AirportItlwm-Big_Sur-2.0.0正式版本依然无法使用Apple Watch解锁成功过一次。OS:Big Sur11.5.2。 Using the latest AirportItlwm Big_Sur - 2.0.0 version will not be able to use formal Apple Watch unlocked once. OS: Big Sur11.5.2
Can we update? Any progress on the airdrop? Thank you very much!
5593 15、6英寸应该没问题,注意后面的处理。对于其他的尺寸我就不太了解了
yeah,I guess this problem may be related to the BIOS,and you can see on the introduction page, if the Dell 5593 has been upgraded to the latest version of the...
Toshiba SSDS should be fine, if there is a problem I suggest finding the bug report and taking appropriate action.
Hi, I am very glad that my sharing can help you. As for your CPU1065G7, you need to change the platform ID to get the best performance. I have no...
- 一共有18个kext(包含3个intel有关驱动,1个USB定制驱动),看起来确实有点多,但是每一个驱动都有它的作用,删除会影响正常使用。 - 开机速度相比白果是正常速度,不知道你那边是什么情况,可以告知开机具体时间吗。经测试:苹果LOGO跑完耗时20s左右,如果考虑Ice Lake黑屏问题,进入登录界面共耗时35s - 关机提示SMC问题,可能你的机型配置有差异化,由于不了解具体情况,还请自行更改优化相关配置