I faced a similar issue while running my automation test inside a docker container. Addition information in my situation is: while running the docker container in interactive mode with a...
Not exactly. I am passing as feature with multiple line numbers, such as: parallel run 1: feature-one:10:20:30 parallel run 2: feature-one:40:60:70 etc. I will end up with 2 json files:...
Sorry @gkushang , I misunderstood your question. Yes I am passing in as jsonDir. Here is my command line: node ${ProjectFullPath}/scripts/generate-reports.js ${ReportDir}
I am able to repeat @sandwormusmc 's steps above without sudo. The `conda install -n base conda-libmamba-solver` step still took several hours, but it does show progresses, and eventually completed...
Hi, @MPBatista, your script worked. In general your solution worked, but there is a little catch related to where to put the java.classpath.push() call. Please see the below explanation. on...
Hi, @RenanChagas , most likely it is due to javaclass path configuration. The example I provided above is based on Linux (ubuntu 16.04), and we are able to run in...