Xylar Asay-Davis

Results 177 comments of Xylar Asay-Davis

@conda-forge-admin, please restart ci

@conda-forge/help-c-cpp, this is ready for another look when you have time. it seems that the issues with `netcdf-fortran` have been fixed by a new build. I have also requested that...

@conda-forge/help-c-cpp and @carterbox, I'm keen to have this re-reviewed when you can.

I was informed in https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/issues/10305#issuecomment-1292480567 that this code may be (or may soon be) obsolete but it still seems to be getting built when we use `--cpp_implementation`, e.g. in this...

@wolfv, I think if one lets the solver do its thing, it's really easy to end up with `conda=4.13.0` and `mamba=0.23.3` (which is still a broken combination) instead of `conda=4.12.0`,...

@wolfv, I see you did a repo patch: https://github.com/conda-forge/conda-forge-repodata-patches-feedstock/pull/274. So maybe it is just in environments I still have around from before the repo patch. Hopefully, this will iron itself...

@Biofarmer, my understanding is that there has not been a release of `mamba` yet that works with `conda` 4.13.0. The last release was 13 days ago, before this issue was...

@wolfv, I also see that I have both mamba 0.24.0 and 4.13.0 in my environment. That's great! I somehow thought the constraint on conda was in 0.24.0 as well.

@giriarteS, could you tell us explicitly what you're running to update mamba? If you do `conda install mamba=4.13.0`, does that work?

@giriarteS, it sounds like a struggle. I’m sorry that’s happening to you. Just to clarify @wolfv’s suggestion a bit further, one of the things that can make conda packages a...