Xylar Asay-Davis

Results 177 comments of Xylar Asay-Davis

This will need https://github.com/MPAS-Dev/geometric_features/pull/185 to be merged, a new release of `geometric_features`, and MPAS-Analysis to be updated to that new version. This isn't as big a deal as it sounds...

@alicebarthel and @milenaveneziani, we want to add obs. to this. What is the right upper and lower value we should use? Min and max in time?

> > I suspected the process for plotting MPAS-O velocity at transect should be separate from tracer fields. > > I'll let @xylar reply to this. My standalone script plots...

> We actually don't plot velocities for the SOSE transects, only for the SOSE 2d maps. At least in the analysis I'm looking at, we do plot the velocities (zonal,...

@alicebarthel, you're getting close! Because you are using a development environment that doesn't support system MPI, you need these config options from the tutorial: https://mpas-dev.github.io/MPAS-Analysis/latest/tutorials/dev_getting_started.html#execute That way, ESMF_RegridWeightGen won't be...

> Just curious: Why does running it a second time solve the problem? I have no idea. I wouldn't expect that to be the case.

> The default grid for WOCE transects is: (horiz: 5, vert: uniform_0_to_4000m_at_10m). Do we want the same for the OSNAP transects or would something else make more sense? Maybe too...

> Apologies for rushing through the set-up instead of reading the tutorial carefully. Absolutely no worries. It's confusing and I hope we can move to the approach in compass soon,...

This is really great, @alicebarthel!

I ran analysis on `CRYO1950.ne30pg2_SOwISC12to60E2r4.N2Dependent.smep` and it worked great: https://web.lcrc.anl.gov/public/e3sm/diagnostic_output/ac.xylar/analysis/20221116.CRYO1950.ne30pg2_SOwISC12to60E2r4.N2Dependent.submeso.chrysalis/yrs121-130/ocean/index.html It seems like we either have giant temperature biases in that run (very believable) or the bias plot has a...