Xu Chunyang

Results 40 comments of Xu Chunyang

@alpha22jp you can try `lsof` (I learn this via https://emacs-china.org/t/emacs/2523/7): ``` $ lsof -i :64292 COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME Emacs 67526 xcy 38u IPv4 0x3e7b015e5d724521...

I made [an Emacs port](https://github.com/xuchunyang/clear-text.el) several days ago, like web browser, Emacs runs on many platforms as well.

我也出现了 ``` [Mon Feb 28 16:01:56 2022] Accepted [Mon Feb 28 16:01:57 2022] PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Dcat\Admin\Scaffold\MigrationCreator::populateStub($name, $stub, $table) must be compatible with Illuminate\Database\Migrations\MigrationCreator::populateStub($stub, $table) in /Users/xcy/src/try_dcat_admin/vendor/dcat/laravel-admin/src/Scaffold/MigrationCreator.php...

There is `eshell-last-command-status`, keep mind that it's always 0 for Lisp functions since "exit status" doesn't make sense there, e.g., ``` ~ $ ls /path/to/nowhere /path/to/nowhere: No such file or...

有道理,好多情况是整句全是方框,这些情况下不太会是缺少字符编码了。我搜索了下连续 5 个框: ``` ~/src/chinese-poetry $ rg -c □□□□□ | awk -F: '{sum+=$2} END {print sum}' 1526 ```

> 虚缺号(□),一个虚缺号代表一个字,占一个字的格子。虚缺号表示无法辨认或无法查明的字,或者表示在转抄中缺失部分的文字 > > https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%99%9A%E7%BC%BA%E5%8F%B7

Because issue labels itself (and other attributes of issue) can be useful for users just like issue ID and issue title. For me, if issue labels is displayed alongside with...

谢谢提建议。 最主要的问题是词典本身,目前我能想到的离线词典有: - 星际译王(stardict,命令行 sdcv),tumashu 已经写了 Emacs 前端:[chinese-yasdcv](https://github.com/tumashu/chinese-yasdcv) - Mac OS X 自带的词典,我写了 Emacs 前端:[osx-dictionary.el](https://github.com/xuchunyang/osx-dictionary.el) 你需要离线查词的话,可以用上面两个工具。 P.S. 如果你喜欢 helm 界面的话,可以尝试自己实现个函数,把你需要用的词典整合起来。比如我写了:[helm-dict.el](https://github.com/xuchunyang/my-emacs-config/blob/exp/personal/helm-dict.el),可以从 Helm 调用 youdao-dictionary.el 和 osx-dictionary.el 。

> 就是那个google-10000-english.txt完全没必要,导致不在列表里的词根本没法查。 方便手动输入查词用的,目前确实不能查列表之外的词,这是个 bug,我已经写到前面注释中的,是打算修复的。 _UPDATE_ @xcaptain 在 https://github.com/xuchunyang/my-emacs-config/commit/250f22e252e7b4e0e4d829e9c0986ac01d33ccda 里已经修复了,现在已经可以查询列表以外的词了。