Alexander Goida
Alexander Goida
test application ``` @App:name('test') @App:statistics(enable='true', include='*.*') -- SOURCES define stream inp_stream ( id int, value string ); -- TABLES @store(type = 'rdbms', jdbc.url = "${POSTGRE_HOST}${POSTGRE_DB}", username = "${POSTGRE_USER}", password =...
When I send 1 as a value for **value** in Siddhi tooling, I'm getting this error: [2020-07-27_11-42-43_340] ERROR {} - Error in 'test' after consuming events from Stream '_tmp', java.lang.String...
@niveathika Hi, 1) As to design of incremental aggregations. I understand that, but don't understand why two events with difference in several seconds were stored in DB differently. The 1st...
I think it would be possible to achieve by adding intermediate stream and additional pattern. Although it's depends on the task. If the task allows, then instead of inserting events...
@AnuGayan which docker images would you recommend to check? I'm using `siddhiio/siddhi-tooling:5.1.2` and for running of applications `siddhiio/siddhi-runner-base-alpine:5.1.2`
I've got multiple errors in my applications related to this. And this case was reproducing pretty stable on tooling 5.1.2
I'll check, ok. But shouldn't be a docker image for [Enterprise Integrator]( As far i I know this is the latest and most fresh version.
@dilini-muthumala This was during testing. So I've got a topic in Kafka with prepared events in it (let's say event #1, event #2, event #3). Assuming `enable.offsets.commit = "false"`, my...