Lukáš Ručka

Results 22 comments of Lukáš Ručka

@RobsyRocket Hi, I get ambiguous reference for "current version" - do you mean mine, or im-0's? @mirko @zapedge - I'm currently getting familiar with OpenHab internals and slowly moving towards...

Hi, this might not be realizable within the current architecture without adding middle layers. Speaking from experience on implementing bluez/dbus transport, bluez does not expose l2ping interface through dbus. Therefore,...

Hi, confirmed bug. The fix should be easy, I hope to get it done later today. Anyway, in meantime, you can use the backup option, modify the exported json to...

Hi, thanks @vkolotov for pointing me in this dirrection, I have only skimmed through the original discussion and completely missed the roadmap. I suggest using my fork of cometblue control...

Ok, thanks for the headsup; I should be able to look into it either on tomorrow or thursday evening. I'll get back to you guys once I manage to do...

Huray, I've finally managed to figure what was preventing my specs from working. If anyone reads this - so far, the short form of service and characteristics uuid has to...

I guess that extending the specs might be the easiest way to do, especially if there are multiple devices holding the same issue. I'll do the patches and see what...

Hi, I'd rather go with # 2. I believe that both # 1 and # 3 would (eventualy) lead to fatware explosion or lack of support. The automated dropdown magick...

Hi, I have finally managed to get some time into this again. I've tested the 1.3-SNAPSHOT of bluetooth-manager with authentication and explicit UUID setting and hex byte array - the...

Hi, ok, I'll elaborate a bit more on this. The device is programmable radiator valve - you can configure up to 4 presets for each day of the week -...