I think you are right, a GUI part for this search functionality could be useful. I'm still not sure what will it be like, so I'm waiting with this a...
Hi Peter. I actually want to do this, but I remember having some problems porting some stuff, I just can't remember where I had the problems. The way I understand...
@sven337 : Your contribution is highly appreciated! I hope to have time soon to read your code and do the relevant porting to IDA7. I also noticed that you mentioned...
Hi hackmoonlight, thank you for the interest in using fcatalog. I think that all that you need is at the db_endpoint.py file, here: [db_endpoint.py](https://github.com/xorpd/fcatalog_client/blob/master/fcatalog_client/db_endpoint.py) This code is the layer used...
At its core it uses the idea of Jaccard similarity coefficient. I probably wouldn't call it machine learning. You can see the full explanation here: http://www.xorpd.net/pages/fcatalog.html
Hi hackmoonlight, I got some notifications about your messages here but when I got here they were gone. Are things working for you or do you still having problems with...
Did you manage to run the tests against your server, to make sure that it works properly? To make sure that it works properly, you can run: ``` c:\python27\python.exe -m...
Hi hackmoonlight, Could you point what didn't work for you? For example, was an exception raised, or is it just that the assertions didn't pass correctly? I had another idea....
Sorry for the late response, @hackmoonlight. The dockerized version of the server does not delete the database every day. This happens only on my server testfcatalog.xorpd.net, to not run out...
Hey, I came back after learning a bit about anyhow. I read this sentence on `anyhow`'s project readme: > Use Anyhow if you don't care what error type your functions...