@jneves @Miserlou It is very regrettable that the request in 2018 has not yet been processed. The function of task_sns has been unavailable to anyone for 2 years. We sincerely...
example zappa deployed lambda function 1 ``` from zappa.asynchronous import task @task def function1(data): print(data) ``` No zappa deployed lambda function 2 ``` def function2(): payload = { "command": "zappa.asynchronous.route_lambda_task",...
I just opened PR https://github.com/vitalik/django-ninja/pull/588
Don't you have other codes on above lines?
I have been using pipenv for several months and created several open source projects and have contributed to various projects such as django, pydantic, and mypy stubs. It would be...
It's a temporary solution, but I was able to get it to work without hacking by putting this code in django settings.py. ```py from ninja.orm import fields from geojson_pydantic import...
The same issue occurs. ``` [ERROR:flutter/runtime/dart_vm_initializer.cc(41)] Unhandled Exception: PlatformException(error, sharePositionOrigin: argument must be set, {{0, 0}, {1194, 834}} must be non-zero and within coordinate space of source view: {{0, 0},...
One strange thing is that if you press the Share button and rotate the simulator horizontally or vertically while an error occurs, the normal action is executed. https://github.com/fluttercommunity/plus_plugins/assets/9462045/ae200f2f-daad-42d8-a6e2-0abd8241b5d0