Michal Krenek (Mikos)
Michal Krenek (Mikos)
Latest version of Hangups published on PyPI is 0.2.6 which is from February and very outdated now. There has been many important changes since then which my projects like HangupsBot...
I get KeyError in on_connect() method in `__main__.py` when hangups tries to get user names for user_ids in conversations: ``` first_names = [contacts[user_ids]['first_name'] for user_ids in conversations[conv_id]['participants']] ``` It works...
Hello, would you consider adding support for work over standard Bluetooth (non-LE) piconet / scatternet? You don't have to pair BT devices if you use listenUsingInsecureRfcommWithServiceRecord / createInsecureRfcommSocketToServiceRecord and compatibility...
I have implemented `rtl_power_fftw` backend in [QSpectrumAnalyzer](https://github.com/xmikos/qspectrumanalyzer) (it's in _rtl_power_fftw_ branch, if you want to try it you have to choose it in Settings, because rtl_power is still the default...
I have implemented rtl_power_fftw backend in QSpectrumAnalyzer (I will publish it soon), but output to stderr is too much verbose (when there are a lot of hops/repeats). Now I am...
This is simple change that will make it possible to use WebSocket instead of GCM even on devices which _have_ Google Play Services installed. Now it is needed to maintain...
One of key security features of ZRTP encrypted phone calls - [key continuity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZRTP#Key_continuity) - has been removed from RedPhone when it has been integrated into Signal. See this issue for...
Hello, I am trying to make OZ sandbox work on Arch Linux, but it is not possible without heavy patching of [oz-init/rootfs.go](https://github.com/subgraph/oz/blob/master/oz-init/rootfs.go), especially `basicBindDirs`, `basicEmptyDirs`, `basicSymlinks` and `basicBlacklist`. This is...
Hello, you can get rid of dependency on Chainfire's closedsource _supolicy_ by using _sepolicy-inject_ instead of it. I have fixed and extended Joshua Brindle's sepolicy-inject and made it buildable with...
Hello, would it be possible to support [libmirisdr-4](https://github.com/f4exb/libmirisdr-4) library? It is actively developed fork of libmirisdr-2 / libmirisdr-3-bsz with direct support of SDRplay through a "flavour" option in the open...