Kevin Velasco
Kevin Velasco
I have been trying to emulate the riot gnrc_network example in renode with the cc2538 board, I have followed the renode documentation on how to use the IEEE802_15_4Medium and wireless....
install codevov was removed
## What is the Problem? When the service is started offline and then connected to the network the service fails to connect with any peers **Steps to reproduce the behavio**r:...
## What is the Problem? when messages are deleted the files are not deleted that generates a lot of junk files that fill the phone memory ## How should it...
## Remote Notifications Currently, the notification module only works with local notifications. The functionality must be added to work remotely.
### Group chat Add group chat functionality ## How should it work? - Create group - Add contacts to the group - Remove group member - Delete group - Send...
# Encryption / Decryption You want to add privacy through a system *"end to end"* ## Encryption Of the content of the messages and / or binaries using the pubKey...