Xin Ye
Xin Ye
+2147483647, we need this to happen!
It there any change we can make in the original VenturePlan addon so that we can modify/add entries to `overrideAA` in this repo? Similar to what has been done for...
I tried your changes and I did get some logs at `WTF/Account/{my_account_number}/SavedVariables/VenturePlanSoDMissions.lua`. Here is the file [VenturePlanSoDMissions.txt]( Great work!
This is what I would do but I'm also guessing the code a little bit. I will test this the next time I see the mission.
The author says: > A helpful step in doing so is, if you find a missions that's mispredicted, run: > ``` > /dump C_Garrison.GetMissionDeploymentInfo(CovenantMissionFrame:GetMissionPage().missionInfo.missionID) > ``` > while you're looking...
So the two spells in this mission both have wrong `plusDamageDealtATK` number. Here is the dump from ingame: ``` [1]={ description="Increases damage dealt by 24 Fire for 2 rounds.", autoCombatSpellID=330,...
@zealvurte How to I get the log? It is just the texts shown on screen when you click finish mission?
Will post the full log next time I see this mission.
``` [1]={ locTextureKit="GarrMissionLocation-Tazavesh", isExhausting=false, location="Tazavesh", xp=500, enemies={ [1]={ autoCombatAutoAttack={ description="Deal attack damage to the closest enemy.", autoCombatSpellID=11, duration=0, previewMask=0, name="Auto Attack", hasThornsEffect=false, schoolMask=1, icon=1064261, cooldown=0, spellTutorialFlag=1 }, isElite=false, scale=1.2000000476837, portraitFileDataID=4183231,...