
Results 29 issues of xiaoxiongli

Dear All, When i training my own dataset(229 category logo, totally 3w+ images) using PVANet, i got mAP = 0.9672, **indeed it is very high. PVANet is indeed so good**,...

Dear sanghoon: ^_^ @sanghoon I found a bug(i am not sure) list below: in file test.py: im_scale_factors.append(np.array([im_scale_x, im_scale_y, im_scale_x, im_scale_y])) blobs['im_info'] = np.array( [np.hstack((im_blob.shape[2], im_blob.shape[3], im_scales[0]))], dtype=np.float32) which means that...

你好: 请问哪里有scale=2的训练模型? 你的 xiaoxiongli

Dear luoyetx, i am reading your code, and i find that in the trian.cpp, line 180, i can not understand why we do like this? one face's initial shape is...

Hi @danielrh , As you know, there are lots of fast method to implement DCT/IDCT, in lepton, it seems also use fast implement about it. I wannat to know that...

### ImageMagick version 7.1.0-27 ### Operating system Linux ### Operating system, version and so on ubuntu-16.04 ### Description when I run below command on linux: `gcc -I`pwd` -LMagickWand/.libs -LMagickCore/.libs -lMagickWand-7.Q16...

你好, 训练ESRGAN scale=2的模型报错,报错信息如下: **/data1/lishaoxiong/sr/ESRGAN/BasicSR/basicsr/losses/losses.py:16: UserWarning: Using a target size (torch.Size([2, 3, 128, 128])) that is different to the input size (torch.Size([2, 3, 256, 256])). This will likely lead to incorrect...

你好, 为什么需要将DIV2K的数据集切分成480x480的小图? 我了解到在其他SR工程里都没有这么做,而是直接在2K的大图上采样192x192的训练图片若干次,请问如果我切分成480x480的小图对结果有什么影响? yours xiaoxiongli

Dear @graham @cbguder @outoftime @danielrh @pathorn : I tried several version(latest, 09f1091 and aa35c99) of avrecode, and the compress ratio is always 100% which means it does not work... I...

I use pycharm to debug vega code, but I find that I only can debug the main thread, and I can not debug the worker thread, such as below code:...