hellow ,When I tried to run test.py with vscode, an error occurred: KeyError: 'Gfocalhead is not in the head registry', The command bash./tools/dist_test.sh configs/gfocal/gfocal_r50_fpn_ms2x.py work_dirs/gfocal_r50_fpn_ms2x/latest.pth 1 to run the dist_test.sh...
Hello, I would like to ask whether H and W of input vectors must be fixed when using your Resnet50 and MHSA modules?Is it possible to automatically adjust the image...
when I run the setup.py file , it appears ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed--subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['ninja', '-v']' returned non-zero exit status 1--RuntimeError: Error compiling objects for extension。 how to solve...