hello,i have occured a problem,but i dont why?that is my following settings: swagger: "2.0" info: version: "0.0.1" title: Hello World App # during dev, should point to your local machine...
may i ask an question?i want to connect to ldap ,so i write ldap_auth.yml, like this: ``` server: addr: :5001 certificate: /ssl/server.pem key: /ssl/server.key token: issuer: Acme auth server expiration:...
Hey,i used ldap_auth.yml connect to registry,when i enter url in the address bar,that ocuured {"errors":[{"code":"UNAUTHORIZED","message":"authentication required","detail":[{"Type":"registry","Class":"","Name":"catalog","Action":"*"}]}]},do you have any idea?I want to see these images in the browser
the following is my config: # # auth: # token: # realm: "" # service: "Docker registry" # issuer: "Acme auth server" # rootcertbundle: "/path/to/server.pem" server: addr: ":5001" certificate: "/ssl/server.pem"...