docker-registry-setup copied to clipboard
connect the ldap error:authn #2 returned error: open /tmp/ldap_password.txt: no such file or directory
the following is my config:
realm: ""
service: "Docker registry"
issuer: "Acme auth server"
rootcertbundle: "/path/to/server.pem"
server: addr: ":5001" certificate: "/ssl/server.pem" key: "/ssl/server.key"
token: issuer: "Acme auth server" # Must match issuer in the Registry config. expiration: 900
LDAP authentication.
Authentication is performed by first binding to the server, looking up the user entry
by using the specified filter, and then re-binding using the matched DN and the password provided.
ldap_auth: addr: "ldap:389" #tls: true
In case bind DN and password is required for querying user information,
specify them here. Plain text password is read from the file.
bind_dn: "uid=chenlp,ou=infocenter,dc=xxx,dc=com"
Make sure you remove newlines and carriage returns from the password file.
bind_password_file: /tmp/ldap_password.txt
User query settings. ${account} is expanded from auth request
base: "ou=infocenter,dc=xxxx,dc=com" filter: "(&(uid=${account})(objectClass=organizationalPerson))"
Password is specified as a BCrypt hash. Use htpasswd -B to generate.
"admin": password: "$2y$05$LO.vzwpWC5LZGqThvEfznu8qhb5SGqvBSWY1J3yZ4AxtMRZ3kN5jC" # badmin "test": password: "$2y$05$WuwBasGDAgr.QCbGIjKJaep4dhxeai9gNZdmBnQXqpKly57oNutya" # 123
Admin has full access to everything.
- match: {account: "admin"} actions: ["*"]
2,the command
docker run -d --name docker_auth -p 5001:5001
-v /data/
-v /data/ cesanta/docker_auth /config/docker_auth.yml
3,when i login my private registry,then occur an error:authn #2 returned error: open /tmp/ldap_password.txt: no such file or directory,my system has the file,why it occur this problem?and how to write the password file?
4,by the way ,after docker ps -a
137c2b765f2e cesanta/docker_auth "/docker_auth/auth..." 15 seconds ago Up 14 seconds>5001/tcp docker_auth
i have solved.