Wang Xiangsheng
Wang Xiangsheng
If you reinstall this package and open it immediately, yes, it works. But if you restart emacs and open mingus again, it got stuck again. It seems that a library,... @pft
I think it may be better to integrate `libmpdee` into mingus, since no one seems to maintain `libmpdee` any more.
It is quite pleasant to see people are maintaining the old packages. That makes emacs a lovely place to play around. Thanks, @pft and @andyetitmoves .
> What happens if you remove the apostrophe from the user option `ebib-TeX-markup-replace-alist`? If I set the variable in this way, ``` (setq ebib-TeX-markup-replace-alist '(("{" . "") ("}" . "")...
> Unfortunately, I'm not able to reproduce this. Titles with apostrophes are aligned fine in my setup. What font are you using exactly? Yes, this bug disappears when I test...
It seems that the alignment problem is caused by the locale setting of my system. Emacs inherits the locale setting of the system. In my case, it means that the...
My emacs version is 27.2 and the os is Manjaro. > I assume you have also looked at the output of truncate-string-to-width in both cases, and it's really format that's...
@Eli-Zaretskii, thanks for reply. In the following setting, ``` emacs -Q C-x RET l Chinese-GBK RET ``` the misalignment appears with the default font `Source Code Pro`. I also test...
> Is it reasonable to use Source Code Pro in a CJK locale? This the default font for emacs in my OS, Manjaro, although I have no idea why this...