Philipp Krenn

Results 5 issues of Philipp Krenn

Metricbeat supports the Docker API with its own module. Enable the module, so you can get the information and see it in the Docker dashboard as well.


Filebeat modules: - [x] Logstash - [ ] [Elasticsearch](, probably added in 6.4 - [ ] [Kibana](, probably added in 6.4 - [ ] Beats


I've set up the AWS Maven wagon in a project and it's working as expected — the Maven artifact is uploaded to our S3 account with the correct permissions. However,...

Maybe this is just me, but I often forget what indices or aliases I have available. While `curl` could show that relatively quickly, it is extra mental overhead to switch...

While I love the package in general, I wish the the tlcventry was more like the tldatecventry, specifically: - rounded corners for start and end date - edgy corners for...