Philipp Krenn

Results 31 comments of Philipp Krenn

Could the problem be that there are no CSS files? I have a single page site and inline the CSS, so there are no references to CSS files. Getting the...

@geuis yeah — I didn't find a tool that supported inlined CSS and gave up. Plus my HTML+CSS are a little over 17K gzipped, so it's probably not worth the...

The second one; I'm not duplicating the styles, just avoiding a HTTP request (using

1. One common approach (for example in the Beats) is to "dedot" tags — replacing dots with underscores. Though if you have some hierarchy with dots, the underscores might cause...

Hmmm. If I'm not mistaken, Zipkin has written it's own Elasticsearch client, so my knowledge here will be very shallow. I assume we're talking about I don't think that's...

Yes, I don't think this is an Elasticsearch issue — you can write and read data. The problem is somewhere in the Zipkin codebase visualizing the data and it runs...

Interesting. Did you use a specific policy? Maybe making the index read-only was causing issues? But it's just a wild guess.

1. I assume this can't be easily fixed with alias trickery, right? `2019-01-01` pointing to `2019-01-01-00` and you switch that every hour. As long as the alias is pointing to...

@adriancole 6.6 (the current version): You can fully managed it through the Elasticsearch API, but Kibana also provides a UI for it. And as I said: Not open source...