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A demonstration of how multple view geometry works

Multi view geometry key concepts in Python

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1. Demo on how to calculate epipolar line


  • The two camera positions in world frame,
  • The position of the cube in world frame,
  • The camera intrinsics


  • Calculate the projection of the keypoints from the cube onto the image frame
  • Calculate the epipolar line in each image using its coorespondence and essential matrix


Command to run the demo:

python ./

or interact with the notebook

jupyter notebook epipolar_geometry.ipynb

2. Eight points algorithm


  • The positions of 8 or more pairs of point correspondence in two frames
  • The camera intrinsics


  • Calculate the essential matrix, and derive the translation (with a scale) and rotation of the two camera poses.

3. Structure from motion


  • The positions of points correspondence in two frames
  • The camera intrinsics
  • The poses of the two cameras in world frame


  • Calculate the 3d position of the observed points in world frame, by solving a least square error problem

4. Bundle adjustment


  • Initial guess of the two camera poses in world frame
  • Noisy observation of points correspondence in image frame
  • Estimation of the 3d points in world frame
  • The camear intrinsics


  • Optimize the pose of the cameras' poses and 3d points positions using bundle adjustment from g2o library

Command to run the tests above:
