Adam Števko

Results 10 comments of Adam Števko

Hey @nitrocode, unfortunately, this is not easy. `aws-gate` requires that the resulting name identifier translates to instance iD or something that we can use to search EC2 API for instance....

Hello @jamesdmorgan, thanks for the feature request. I think it would be quite useful for scripting options, e.g. when one is only interested in the return code only. Though, as...

Initial work started in type_hints branch

Having this feature ootb would be nice.

Hi, would it be possible to add illumos man pages? These one contains up-to-date ZFS manpage as well.

I am trying to build packer on OpenIndiana, but it fails to compile.If PR is published, I'll test it.

@lmnca could you provide the pstack script?

What about extending lldpd, so the interface/address list is passed before chrooting?

@stepcheunghk unfortunately I don't as I don't have access to Windows machine and primary development platform is macOS. Testing on Linux is also done, but I don't do it on...

@stepcheunghk does the problem still persist?