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missing man pages

Open idank opened this issue 10 years ago • 205 comments

To submit a missing man page please reply here with a link to it in raw format (nroff). Even better: I created a repo with all the source man pages I used here, clone it and send me a pull request.

idank avatar Aug 30 '13 15:08 idank

If then else man page is missing

surajchavan avatar Aug 30 '13 16:08 surajchavan

apt-key wasn't parsed well: http://manned.org/apt-key/d6b5fc0e / source: http://manned.org/apt-key/56b239b8/src

Example: http://explainshell.com/explain/apt-key?args=adv+--recv-keys+--keyserver+keyserver.ubuntu.com+0xcbcb082a1bb943db

Great idea, though. Need to find ways to use/improve this and help co-workers with their command-fu.

Perhaps a workaround for apt-key and similar is to simply highlight in the man page where query tokens are found.

LouisStAmour avatar Aug 30 '13 19:08 LouisStAmour

update-rc.d man page is missing.

Nice going though, keep it up :+1:

Antikythera avatar Aug 30 '13 21:08 Antikythera

Here is one, for OpenVZ man pages (vzctl et al)

  • https://github.com/idank/explainshell-manpages/pull/1

kolyshkin avatar Aug 31 '13 00:08 kolyshkin

BASH built-ins such as compgen, read, etc. are missing.

Use help compgen, help read, etc to view the "manpages"

justbrowsing avatar Aug 31 '13 08:08 justbrowsing

apt-key wasn't parsed well

I fixed what I could in apt-key (it now recognizes adv), but looking more closely reveals that adv borrows some options from gpg, hence why some flags you pasted aren't in apt-key's man page. There's no way of making explainshell figure that out I'm afraid.

idank avatar Aug 31 '13 14:08 idank

systemctl and systemd-analyze pages are missing

apodda avatar Aug 31 '13 18:08 apodda

Since ZFS is getting bigger and bigger - here are Oracle's man page for Solaris and FreeBSD one:




stoyan100yanov avatar Sep 01 '13 07:09 stoyan100yanov


would it be possible to add illumos man pages?

http://illumos.org/man/1/all http://illumos.org/man/1b/all http://illumos.org/man/1c/all http://illumos.org/man/1has/all http://illumos.org/man/1m/all http://illumos.org/man/1onbld/all

These one contains up-to-date ZFS manpage as well.

xen0l avatar Sep 01 '13 21:09 xen0l

Support for the Java VM is missing - but I understand the difficulties in getting that working (different Java versions and possibly a lack of a manpage).

vadi2 avatar Sep 02 '13 04:09 vadi2

I think adding the pacman man page would be beneficial to some; although, I'm not sure if you are doing distro specific commands: https://www.archlinux.org/pacman/pacman.8.html

3ricG avatar Sep 02 '13 19:09 3ricG

a kvm virtual machine heavily rely on qemu-kvm parameters, in fact, everything depends on how the parameters passed to qemu-kvm binary and having this command in explainshell.com would be really really helpful.


eprasad123 avatar Sep 02 '13 20:09 eprasad123

Similar to vadi2, id also like to see java VM related man pages added.

I've found this: http://www.manpagez.com/man/1/java/

but as stated earlier the different versions/variants may be a burden.

In any case, Thanks!

davidferril avatar Sep 03 '13 06:09 davidferril

First thing I tried was

openssl base64 -d -a -in ~/Desktop/test.b64 -out test

not a simple fix I suspect....

furicle avatar Sep 03 '13 17:09 furicle

Java manpage http://manned.org/java/eda7a6b6 https://github.com/openjdk-mirror/jdk7u-jdk/tree/master/src/linux/doc/man

mariuszs avatar Sep 06 '13 19:09 mariuszs

As a heavy kvm user, I agree with Prasad. Unfortunately, I managed to find only distribution-specific ones - and the most useful for us was from Ubuntu: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man1/kvm-qemu.1.html

An open bug, from RedHat's bugzilla shed some light: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=907746

http://manned.org/qemu-x86_64/c0998bc2 http://manned.org/qemu.1 http://manned.org/qemu-img.1 http://man.cx/kvm-img%281%29

My best, Stoyan

stoyan100yanov avatar Sep 07 '13 05:09 stoyan100yanov

Is it possible to set up "aliases", i.e. the name of the command and the man page are not the same? For instance the man page for perl is perlrun. I'd love to see that.

biffen avatar Sep 11 '13 09:09 biffen

Is it possible to set up "aliases", i.e. the name of the command and the man page are not the same? For instance the man page for perl is perlrun. I'd love to see that.

It's done automatically by looking at the man page (here), but looks like this one passed by. I added it manually.

idank avatar Sep 11 '13 11:09 idank

Missing man page for ipfw: http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=ipfw&sektion=8

Unable to locate this in nroff format, sorry.

lukeasrodgers avatar Sep 16 '13 16:09 lukeasrodgers

Manpage for emerge (http://dev.gentoo.org/~zmedico/portage/doc/man/emerge.1.html) the gentoo package manager is missing :)

zaratan avatar Sep 17 '13 16:09 zaratan

Question: Do you plan to include commands outside the online Ubuntu manual such as 'brew'?

rajnathani avatar Sep 18 '13 01:09 rajnathani

nping is not recognised. http://nmap.org/nping/

analogsignals avatar Sep 18 '13 22:09 analogsignals

squid option -N is not recognised.

and I miss nagios command-line options much...

washuu avatar Sep 18 '13 22:09 washuu


heyakyra avatar Sep 18 '13 23:09 heyakyra

ipconfig not recognised

masterninja01 avatar Sep 19 '13 12:09 masterninja01


this is an excellent tool, thanks for it!

fyi the dns-sd is not currently supported. here's the man page: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man1/dns-sd.1.html

raytraced avatar Sep 19 '13 16:09 raytraced

What about an extremely useful 'sl' command? http://man.cx/sl%286%29

tonyo avatar Sep 20 '13 17:09 tonyo

I tried usermod and wasn't added yet... linux.die.net/man/8/usermod

giovanisp avatar Sep 22 '13 18:09 giovanisp

keytool from Java would be very helpful http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/tools/solaris/keytool.html

pimlottc avatar Sep 25 '13 13:09 pimlottc

Is there a non-OSX xattrs man?

stoyan100yanov avatar Oct 08 '13 09:10 stoyan100yanov

A man page for the history command would be really helpful. Thank you! http://www.computerhope.com/unix/uhistory.htm

kevinSuttle avatar Oct 09 '13 14:10 kevinSuttle


stoyan100yanov avatar Oct 09 '13 16:10 stoyan100yanov

man page for ture, false

silverwzw avatar Oct 12 '13 22:10 silverwzw

update-manager -d

febcrash avatar Oct 17 '13 09:10 febcrash

+1 for usermod http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man8/usermod.8.html

dolzenko avatar Oct 24 '13 10:10 dolzenko

source isn't in

Tarang avatar Oct 26 '13 16:10 Tarang

Hi! I think journalctl is missing, too: http://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/journalctl.html

nimarb avatar Oct 27 '13 12:10 nimarb

killproc http://www.met.reading.ac.uk/it/cgi-bin/man.cgi?section=8&topic=killproc

dwradcliffe avatar Oct 31 '13 12:10 dwradcliffe

sl is missing, too: http://man.cx/sl(6)

morphium86 avatar Nov 09 '13 08:11 morphium86

No cowsay ! http://linux.die.net/man/1/cowsay

adamchainz avatar Nov 17 '13 09:11 adamchainz

setresuid is missing http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/setresuid.2.html

kokichi88 avatar Nov 21 '13 08:11 kokichi88

getopts is missing http://www.unix.com/man-page/All/1/getopts/

bobthecat avatar Dec 02 '13 18:12 bobthecat

Shell colon operator is missing. For example, try:

:> file-that-will-be-blanked.txt

or forkbomb (be careful!):

:(){ :|:& };:

bcarpenter avatar Dec 02 '13 20:12 bcarpenter

pacman is missing https://www.archlinux.org/pacman/pacman.8.html

cpuspellcaster avatar Dec 02 '13 22:12 cpuspellcaster

ruby gem it is a must for Ruby developer.


dixia avatar Dec 02 '13 22:12 dixia

Here's a better manpage for history, the other ones are weird.


XanderStrike avatar Dec 02 '13 22:12 XanderStrike

for x in $(ls); do echo $x; done yields No man page found for for.

possibly an issue with the use of $( ) eval?

nonrational avatar Dec 02 '13 22:12 nonrational

!! is probably worth adding.

wasmith avatar Dec 02 '13 23:12 wasmith

Hey, No man page found for netcat, I found the man page: http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=nc

octans avatar Dec 03 '13 06:12 octans

No man page for brew for OSX.

The page is here: https://raw.github.com/mxcl/homebrew/master/Library/Contributions/manpages/brew.1.md

alexg0 avatar Dec 03 '13 06:12 alexg0

No man page for awk. http://unixhelp.ed.ac.uk/CGI/man-cgi?awk

TheAshwanik avatar Dec 03 '13 07:12 TheAshwanik


Cysioland avatar Dec 03 '13 11:12 Cysioland

for n in seq 0 10. It seems that backticks are not noticed.

cmouse avatar Dec 03 '13 13:12 cmouse

OpenBSD pfctl (Packet Filter) http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=pfctl&apropos=0&sektion=0&manpath=OpenBSD+Current&arch=i386&format=html

vic3lord avatar Dec 03 '13 15:12 vic3lord

Homebrew (OS X command line package manager): https://github.com/mxcl/homebrew/blob/master/Library/Contributions/manpages/brew.1.md?source=cc

exchgr avatar Dec 03 '13 15:12 exchgr

As a few others have left complaints about for [I had one but deleted it after looking it over] you may want to make sure that this top-of-site disclaimer: (support for control flows (if/while/etc.) and command substitutions will be added later on) is also added to the error page. Thanks for writing the tool!

echoe avatar Dec 03 '13 18:12 echoe

'vmstat' is missing: http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=vmstat The explanation for 'sudo su' is very unclear. The explanations for 'touch' are lacking: it is frequently used to create empty files, or check that you have the correct permissions to them.

Grogs avatar Dec 03 '13 21:12 Grogs

reaver man is missing https://code.google.com/p/reaver-wps/

armujahid avatar Dec 03 '13 22:12 armujahid

mount_msdosfs http://svnweb.freebsd.org/base/stable/9/sbin/mount_msdosfs/mount_msdosfs.8?revision=225736&view=co

subtlepath avatar Dec 03 '13 23:12 subtlepath

please add: mkfs.* command!

simplyzhao avatar Dec 04 '13 02:12 simplyzhao

openssl: http://www.openssl.org/docs/apps/openssl.html Including (but not limited to): http://www.openssl.org/docs/apps/enc.html

owenfi avatar Dec 04 '13 03:12 owenfi

Fork bomb:)

adityamuraletharan avatar Dec 04 '13 04:12 adityamuraletharan


tylerzika avatar Dec 04 '13 07:12 tylerzika



drewcrawford avatar Dec 04 '13 09:12 drewcrawford


varemenos avatar Dec 04 '13 13:12 varemenos



busticated avatar Dec 04 '13 16:12 busticated

while http://ss64.com/bash/while.html

lmprice avatar Dec 04 '13 17:12 lmprice



YannickFricke avatar Dec 04 '13 20:12 YannickFricke


roeych avatar Dec 05 '13 09:12 roeych

hi,the "export" is missing

showtimemmc avatar Dec 05 '13 10:12 showtimemmc

fyi the -p flag is missing. thanks!

meowist avatar Dec 05 '13 17:12 meowist

logcat is missing. I hope this counts a valid man page... https://developer.android.com/tools/help/logcat.html

VolMi avatar Dec 06 '13 12:12 VolMi

ENV_VAR=whatever make start and other similar commands fail due to lacking man pages for ENV_VAR or whatever your process-specific env variable may be.

Could you denote these to be environment variables and not commands based on the presence of [text][equals operator][text] ?

mateodelnorte avatar Dec 07 '13 01:12 mateodelnorte

irb => http://linux.die.net/man/1/irb

kracekumar avatar Dec 09 '13 04:12 kracekumar

Hi guys,

Explain Shell is incredible! But it looks like some man pages are missing, specially on my concerns for OS X. Was looking for the purge command and didn't found the correct explanation.

Here man page to add: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man8/purge.8.html

FredBlaison avatar Dec 09 '13 21:12 FredBlaison

Great tool! =D

And I would love to use it for salt: http://linux.die.net/man/1/salt http://linux.die.net/man/1/salt-call http://linux.die.net/man/1/salt-key http://linux.die.net/man/1/salt-cp http://linux.die.net/man/1/salt-cloud

peterfroehlich avatar Dec 10 '13 10:12 peterfroehlich

Dtrace: http://www.lehman.cuny.edu/cgi-bin/man-cgi?dtrace+7

robraux avatar Dec 10 '13 16:12 robraux

nawk (new awk AT&T version) is missing:


aleemb avatar Dec 12 '13 07:12 aleemb

: is missing. e.g., : ${a:=1}

MichaelCook avatar Dec 14 '13 23:12 MichaelCook

SVCS http://www.cims.nyu.edu/cgi-systems/man.cgi?section=1&topic=svcs SVCADM http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19253-01/816-5166/svcadm-1m/ http://www.cims.nyu.edu/cgi-comment/man.cgi?section=1M&topic=svcadm

dannybeeckman avatar Dec 17 '13 10:12 dannybeeckman

LVM volumegroup tools:

  • vgchange http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/en/man8/vgchange.8.html
  • vgcreate http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/en/man8/vgcreate.8.html
  • vgextend http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/en/man8/vgextend.8.html
  • etc...

tofi86 avatar Dec 18 '13 08:12 tofi86

chflags is missing. http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=chflags&sektion=1

dsbecher avatar Dec 18 '13 16:12 dsbecher

jekyll: http://www.justmanpage.com/man/jekyll.1

padraic7a avatar Dec 19 '13 14:12 padraic7a

shopt http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/The-Shopt-Builtin.html (it's a builtin, so help shopt did the work)

uda avatar Dec 24 '13 08:12 uda

attrib http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb490868.aspx

ankitstarski avatar Dec 25 '13 11:12 ankitstarski

NeroAAC http://wiki.hydrogenaudio.org/index.php?title=NeroAAC

clvrobj avatar Dec 26 '13 06:12 clvrobj

no man for uerdel

minakolta avatar Dec 26 '13 14:12 minakolta

Just in case you want to add pev manpages as well (the one in Ubuntu manpages is outdated): https://github.com/merces/pev/tree/master/doc/manpages

merces avatar Dec 27 '13 19:12 merces

Love the project.

Several argus-clients man pages aren't available or updated to the latest.

The man pages are within the source, the dev doesn't have accessible via revision control. http://qosient.com/argus/dev/argus-clients-latest.tar.gz http://qosient.com/argus/dev/argus-latest.tar.gz

I've would like to reference explainshell.com while adding to the nsmwiki (http://nsmwiki.org/Argus).

mbrownnycnyc avatar Jan 02 '14 19:01 mbrownnycnyc

a few of the Nagios actions https://www.nagios-plugins.org/doc/man/index.html

kondor6c avatar Jan 08 '14 21:01 kondor6c

The Mac OS X sips command line tool for image manipulation https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man1/sips.1.html

juandesant avatar Jan 09 '14 20:01 juandesant

+1 for Java's keytool command.


avernet avatar Jan 14 '14 19:01 avernet

openssl is missing

dogancelik avatar Jan 15 '14 02:01 dogancelik

eval http://www.softpanorama.org/Utilities/eval.shtml

PengQiEric avatar Jan 15 '14 16:01 PengQiEric

Samba-tool is missing :http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/manpages/samba-tool.8.html

Aguay-val avatar Jan 16 '14 10:01 Aguay-val

the wiringpi gpio software (on raspberry) is missing. I didn't find a good link but I took the file into /usr/local/share/man/man1/gpio.1 available at http://pics.helpcomputer.eu/gpio.1.txt

lgnap avatar Jan 18 '14 23:01 lgnap

missing manpage for tvheadend http://manned.org/tvheadend/1b46c762/src

Oberknecht avatar Jan 24 '14 14:01 Oberknecht

missing manpage for vmstat http://unixhelp.ed.ac.uk/CGI/man-cgi?vmstat

Farsheed avatar Jan 29 '14 04:01 Farsheed

tune2fs http://linux.die.net/man/8/tune2fs

BenoitDuffez avatar Jan 29 '14 15:01 BenoitDuffez

fsck.ext3 http://linux.die.net/man/8/fsck.ext3

pyrovski avatar Jan 30 '14 20:01 pyrovski