Xavier Claessens

Results 101 comments of Xavier Claessens

> In the case of `custom_target`, it definitely is ran parallel to other **non-console** jobs, so that's not entirely accurate. That needs to be documented properly then.

I can actually reproduce your issue pretty easily, and even in our CI: https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/pull/11146. Could you cherry-pick that commit into this PR, so we can ensure we fix it properly...

@amyspark I think this is enough: https://github.com/xclaesse/meson/commit/2346e8e59e816682046aad0b4358a16e016a70f0. As you said, it is similar to D compiler.

> @xclaesse [This error](https://dev.azure.com/jussi0947/jussi/_build/results?buildId=15983&view=logs&j=447df341-d5a1-5d0e-9651-c9f66402368a&t=12f22127-2cd1-5ea8-0ccb-9ba120a59cea&l=2841) looks like the MSVS integration wasn't tested. I'll try and see if I can fix it along with the rest. ah right, nasm language does not...

> @xclaesse I can't find any failed tests in the cygwin CI logs, even when grepping. Do you know what are those failures? What do you mean, cygwin CI seems...

@amyspark I made a much smaller PR that should be enough to fix your issue: https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/pull/11405. We already had a unit test that build nasm-only target, but it was skipped...

> At a minimum this removes valuable comments which is bad. Indeed, added it back now. > I'm a bit confused why this is needed though since we already use...

Hm, this could be argued both ways, IMHO if you set your own pager then you also want to set your own options. Why do you set `PAGER=less` instead of...

To be fair, I got mixed feelings, on one hand I personally think `PAGER=less` means user wants to use bare less (otherwise why setting PAGER at all), but on the...

Investigated, it is a side effect of https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/pull/8259. It switch to using scripts.meson_exe.run_exe() which only print stdout on failure. It should be the same thing for dist and postconf scripts.