Hi! I have added a latlong graticulate to my map and would like to have the ability to turn it on/off. I think it is a very simple but can't...
I'm trying to add a print/saveimage button to my application but I can't find how to do it. I have done it with other maps but I can't find where...
Is it possible to add new wms basemaps? I tried it adding this to basemaps in app.js: {"id": "GEBCO", "type": "tiled", "label": "GEBCO", "url": "https://www.gebco.net/data_and_products/gebco_web_services/web_map_service/mapserv?"} And this to the set...
Hi! thanks a lot for this great plugin. I'm trying to modify the outline of the marker. Do you think it ciuld be possible? o change the icon itself? Thanks...