I first tried "npm install", but it seems there an error, I got a little further by removing all the node_modules/*/node_modules dependencies subdirs, maybe they should not be versioned: https://github.com/smolleyes/StreamStudio/tree/master/node_modules/peerflix/node_modules...
hi, I saw the binaries, I'd prefer a recipe how do you generate the zip files ? is there a gruntfile.js like PT ? maybe build process could be tested...
cminpack should link to cblas as it uses cblas name mangling: ``` ./enorm.c:53: return cblas_dnrm2(n, x, 1); ``` however cmake enables cblas symbols by default even if cblas is not...
it does support openblas or flexiblas, you just have to specify CBLAS_LIBRARIES variable using just FindBLAS could lead to other issues because it just check for the regular blas symbols,...
ping @GPSnoopy
that's probably because of HOLDR_PATH: https://github.com/sivaramambikasaran/HODLR/blob/master/src/HODLR.cpp#L190 just drop the getenv and set it via a cmake compile definition: ``` target_compile_definition(HODLR PRIVATE HODLR_PATH="${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src") ``` or something like that
@pwolfram would you be interested in funding this so I could spend time contributing to this ? I already made some minor contributions that helped maintain these bindings: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal-swig-bindings/commits?author=xantares
I see: https://github.com/rustychris/rustychris-apollonius : it was forked from a pretty old version. It depends on how healthy this work is, it's gotta build with latest cgal, python2/3, tests must be...
I'm thinking through a crowfunding platform, for example: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/improve-opengl-support-for-the-linux-graphics-drivers-mesa#/ Maybe something like 600$ for 2 days of work. The overhead would also depend on the delay of the upstream reviewer(s)...
that I cannot reproduce locally, even in xenial