Xiang Li

Results 3 issues of Xiang Li

Thanks for this wonderful tool. I found a minor issue when using [The Rules Converter](https://stackia.github.io/masq2agent/). Say if I have a dnsmasq conf file written like `server=/.blogspot.com/` it means I want...

Not sure if it's just me After I ran the Win10-Initial-Setup-Script, I found the Administrative shares not working. Whenever I am connecting to the host Win10 from another Win10, and...

**新功能 features:** 1. 登录github账户的方式,在现有的用户名和密码的基础上,增加github的token 2. 增加多个git repo的笔记本(目前貌似只支持一个git repo) 3. 编辑器的源代码窗格(panel)和WYSIWYG窗格的大小可由用户调整 4. 甚至,编辑器直接换一个markdown的编辑器,同时带有latex/数学公式/mindmap功能 **Bug** 1. i18n:英文界面下会有一些界面还是会显示中文