
Results 11 comments of x0341

any updates ? the same issue even if the password and policy is good have always the same problem as this ticket.

Hi @jeffg2k any plans for this ? The multi-game management could be a very useful functionality to support multiple games or multiple players in simultaneous games...

This is really a nice to have. To open a "Xterm" to a remote box based on the IP defined by the game admin. or even using SSH - https://github.com/billchurch/WebSSH2...

@jeffg2k - yes that is one of the options. Other, is to open a web terminal directly from the box (if there is an ip or domain associated for that...

> So if I understand correctly, it's sort of a ssh proxy that uses a web interface.. I can see how that would be useful if you wanted to limit...

Hi @jeffg2k any updates ? Thanks

can't wait for this one ... very cool

When creating challenges directly in the RTB.

> Still not sure I understand.. like a button that creates a random flag, like FLAG{6030fcaebd609350984091dd56f159b8684567b3}, which you then use in your challenge? yes. that works.

Problems in PS 7.2 also Set-VTAPIKey: Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'MasterPassword'. Cannot convert the "MYKEY" value of type "System.String" to type "System.Security.SecureString". where MYKEY is my private token.