
Results 12 issues of wzm2256

**Describe the bug** I run into several bugs regarding the path variable. The first attempt: ``` E:\Program\Anaconda3\envs\Py35\lib\site-packages\h5py\__init__.py:36: FutureWarning: Conversion of the second argument of issubdtype from `float` to `np.floating` is...

经过了3个月的千锤百炼(浑水摸鱼),下周终于要答辩了。现在有点空,把用模板使用过程中的一些经验总结一下。方便以后的小朋友吧。 注:2和3是由于我之前的文章的Latex代码已经写好了,迁移到这个模板上的时候出现冲突。如果从头在这个模板上开始写文章,则并不存在这样的问题。 1. 这个模板需要最新的Latex版本编译,请更新Latex版本到21,或者在overleaf上使用 https://github.com/whutug/whu-thesis/issues/35#issuecomment-1039970111。 2. **algorithm2e替换为algorithm:** algorithm2e的设置全部注释掉,替换为我的algorithm设置 注释掉195-203行 ``` \RequirePackage { algorithm2e } % 算法代码 \tl_set:Nn \algorithmcfname { 算法 } \SetAlCapSty {} \SetAlCapFnt {} \box_new:N \l__whu_space_box \hbox_set:Nn \l__whu_space_box {...

Hi, I'm using this code for density estimation and generative modelling. I think Sinkhorn divergence is perfect for such tasks because of it unbiased nature. However, in practice, I find...

I'm a little upset to find out the script given in your readme.md dose not run directly, because transfer learning part dose not save checkpoint, thus the finetuning part start...

How to generate a mixed texture from two textures? As mentioned in the paper.

Hi, I have some questions concerning the evaluation and the dataset. 1. Is it possible to share the code to produce the mIOU score? Since this IOU is used when...

---------------中文 内网环境中出现木马 疑似nps导致。 !!!!!!该软件已经有四年未更新,在软件更新修复漏洞前请谨慎使用!!!! 木马位置: /usr/local/games/.cache 行为: 门罗币挖矿 ---------------English I found a trojan in my PC, which I doubt is related to NPS. !!NPS has not been updated for four...


I read your paper, it says `` In order to generate the attention mapof a conv. layer we first compute the feature maps of this layer, then we raise each...

Line 93 os.mkdir ----> os.makedirs Line 46 default='logs' ----> default='./logs' Not a big problem, Just mention it here for others' convenient.

Hi, I notice there are texture synthesis results in your paper, and how to generate textures using this code?