
Results 7 issues of wytcsuch

Hello, can I use the. Pt model to generate dlatent and then generate the images as the official implementation: ``` src_latents = np.stack(np.random.RandomState(seed).randn(Gs.input_shape[1]) for seed in src_seeds) dst_latents = np.stack(np.random.RandomState(seed).randn(Gs.input_shape[1])...

您好,看了您的代码,非常适合初学者读。这里有一个问题请教,网络产生的anchor是 [xc, yc, w, h, angle]的形式,由于gt也是 [xc, yc, w, h, angle]的形式,所以在计算horizontal_overlaps 的时候您将gt通过obb2hbb_oc转成了hbb的形式,但是anchor并没有转啊,这怎么求horizontal_overlaps的呢? horizontal_overlaps = bbox_overlaps( anchor.clone(), # generate anchor data copy obb2hbb_oc(bbox_annotation[:, :-1])) 我理解应该是 horizontal_overlaps = bbox_overlaps( obb2hbb_oc(anchor.clone()), # generate...

Thank you again for your contribution. I have been studying your paper and code recently. There are three questions: 1. According to your codes, the generation of 3D rendering image...

Thank you very much for your contribution. I'm now run demo.py and where can I get the BFM_model_front.mat? Is there a link to download it?

when I train with multiply GPU,an erro occur: `File "/wytdata/Real-SR/codes/models/SRGAN_model.py", line 74, in __init__ model = create_model(opt) File "/wytdata/Real-SR/codes/models/__init__.py", line 14, in create_model m = M(opt) File "/wytdata/Real-SR/codes/models/SRGAN_model.py", line 74,...

Thank you very much for your contribution.In the deepfake detection module of the paper, parameter lambda1-4 are set as follows which is inconsistent with the code: ![参数设置](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/40099267/126276981-79acacd2-5836-4bb5-8751-dbcf89b7fb5d.png) ``` loss1=0.05*l1(low_freq_part,zero).to(device) loss2=-0.001*max_value.to(device)...

Thank you very much for your excellent work. We would like to ask two questions: (1)We observed that when the cfg parameter is increased, the quality of the generated image...