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Parameter setting in deepfake detection
Thank you very much for your contribution.In the deepfake detection module of the paper, parameter lambda1-4 are set as follows which is inconsistent with the code:
loss3 = 0.01*l1(residual_gray,zero_1).to(device)
loss_c =20*l_c(classes,labels.type(torch.cuda.LongTensor))
Can you explain that? Thank you.
Hi, The values in the code might be changed as we were carrying out various ablation studies to find out the optimized parameters. For reproducing the experiment results in paper, please follow the training details mentioned in the paper. Thank you!!
Thank you very much for your reply. I set the parameters according to the paper and train my own data. The training loss is as follows.
I find that the Repetitive Loss is negative. It seems that the training is not normal. Can you help me?
In order to clarify the logic of the code, I just changed the parameter names in the code:
low_freq, low_freq_k_part, max_value, low_freq_orig, fingerprint_res, low_freq_trans, fingerprint_gray =model_FEN(batch)
outputs, features=model_CLS(fingerprint_res)
_, preds=torch.max(outputs, dim=1)
zero=torch.zeros([low_freq.shape[0],2*n+1,2*n+1], dtype=torch.float32).to(device)
zero_1=torch.zeros(fingerprint_gray.shape, dtype=torch.float32).to(device)
Magnitude_loss = opt.lambda_1 *L2(fingerprint_gray,zero_1) #Magnitude loss
Spectrum_loss= opt.lambda_2 *L2(low_freq_k_part,zero) #Spectrum loss
Repetitive_loss= - opt.lambda_3 *max_value #Repetitive_loss
Energy_loss= opt.lambda_4 *L2(low_freq,low_freq_trans) #Energy_loss
Cross_loss =opt.lambda_cros * L_cross(outputs,labels) #
loss= Spectrum_loss + Repetitive_loss + Magnitude_loss + Cross_loss + Energy_loss
parameter setting:
parser.add_argument('--lambda_1', default = 0.05, type = float) #0.01
parser.add_argument('--lambda_2', default = 0.001, type = float) #0.05
parser.add_argument('--lambda_3', default = 0.1, type = float) #0.001
parser.add_argument('--lambda_4', default = 1.0, type = float) #0.1
parser.add_argument('--lambda_cros', default = 1.0, type = float)
I'm looking forward to your reply
The repetitive loss is negative as defined in paper.
@vishal3477 Thank you very much for your reply. I set the parameters according to the paper and train my own data. The training loss is as follows.
I find that the Repetitive Loss is negative. It seems that the training is not normal. Can you help me? In order to clarify the logic of the code, I just changed the parameter names in the code:
low_freq, low_freq_k_part, max_value, low_freq_orig, fingerprint_res, low_freq_trans, fingerprint_gray =model_FEN(batch) outputs, features=model_CLS(fingerprint_res) _, preds=torch.max(outputs, dim=1) n=25 zero=torch.zeros([low_freq.shape[0],2*n+1,2*n+1], dtype=torch.float32).to(device) zero_1=torch.zeros(fingerprint_gray.shape, dtype=torch.float32).to(device) Magnitude_loss = opt.lambda_1 *L2(fingerprint_gray,zero_1) #Magnitude loss Spectrum_loss= opt.lambda_2 *L2(low_freq_k_part,zero) #Spectrum loss Repetitive_loss= - opt.lambda_3 *max_value #Repetitive_loss Energy_loss= opt.lambda_4 *L2(low_freq,low_freq_trans) #Energy_loss Cross_loss =opt.lambda_cros * L_cross(outputs,labels) # loss= Spectrum_loss + Repetitive_loss + Magnitude_loss + Cross_loss + Energy_loss
parameter setting:
parser.add_argument('--lambda_1', default = 0.05, type = float) #0.01 parser.add_argument('--lambda_2', default = 0.001, type = float) #0.05 parser.add_argument('--lambda_3', default = 0.1, type = float) #0.001 parser.add_argument('--lambda_4', default = 1.0, type = float) #0.1 parser.add_argument('--lambda_cros', default = 1.0, type = float)
I'm looking forward to your reply
Hi, did you solve this problem? Same here. My losses are very similar to yours and the classification accuracy doesn't improve at all, it is always like 50%...
@littlejuyan can you please share the losses you are getting. The printed loss would be negative as defined in the paper as we want to maximize it.