
Results 9 issues of ww873290998



请楼主修复enablePacketProcessing = true , 配置虚拟网卡连接失败,老掉线, iOS 12.1.4系统

控制台打印 [2019-12-27 10:33:00] [connect] Successful connection [2019-12-27 10:33:00] [error] handle_transport_init received error: TLS handshake failed [2019-12-27 10:33:00] [info] asio async_shutdown error: asio.ssl:336462231 (shutdown while in init) 已从服务器获取token(获取时已正确配置SSL,AFHTTPRequestOperationManager中配置验证证书可用), 调用 [_conferenceClient joinWithToken:token...

english please

[_conferenceClient subscribe:sfuRemoteStream withOptions: subOption onSuccess:^(OWTConferenceSubscription* _Nonnull subscription) { 请问有没人知道 这个订阅方法无返回值是什么情况啊? 没有成功也没有失败的回调


Google浏览器65版本 RTCDTMFSender dtmfSender = _session.dtmfSender; dtmfSender.insertDTMF(_tone!, duration: _duration!, interToneGap: _interToneGap!); 报错误 NoSuchMethodError: tried to call a non-function, such as null: 'this[_jsDtmfSender$][$insertDtmf]', ----------:packages/dart_webrtc/src/rtc_dtmf_sender_impl.dart 11:26


Describe the bug Encounter Error: Unhandled Promise Rejection: TypeError: Member RTCIceServer.urls is required and must be an instance of (DOMString or sequence) To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:Member RTCIceServer.urls...


iOS clone 后 pod update 无法运行啊,爆红 如下: Could not build Objective-C module 'Realm' Umbrella header 'Realm.h' not found 'maxminddb.h' file not found Header 'RealmSwift-Swift.h' not found Could not build Objective-C...