Wolfgang Viechtbauer

Results 25 comments of Wolfgang Viechtbauer

Is this something that is still being considered as a feature? Would be highly interested in this functionality (for the same reason that @fredcallaway mentioned).

This is in principle correct, since Var[c*x] = c^2 * Var[x] for some constant c. Sometimes, this is left out, since the typical equations used for computing (or rather: estimating)...

Same happens under Vivaldi. Backspace is the default shortcut for 'History Back', so hitting Backspace actually goes back to whatever page was open before going to Mastodon.

This is great! Looking forward to try it out.

I think setting `options(radian.auto_match = FALSE)` in the radian profile fixes this.

`predict.rma()` is such an unholy mess that I barely dare to touch it :exploding_head: But this aside, there are actually two things here: First, `dat[1:4,]` contains variables that are not...

Yeah, that's just not how things work in metafor. When I wrote `rma()` (this goes back to code I wrote around 2000), I did not have such a deep understanding...

Hi @bwiernik. Thanks for those suggestions. Some thoughts: 1. `get_tau_ci()` essentially does `confint()$random[2,]`. Don't quite see the added benefit, except that one doesn't have to dig into the object returned...

1. Ok, but then I would rather go with a `as.data.frame` method. 2. Done. 3. Good point. Okay, I see this as a possibility now. I also just realized that...