
Results 76 comments of wtho

Edit: This is now described in an own issue: https://github.com/conventional-changelog/commitlint/issues/3120 ----- Just in case someone tackles this at some point in the future: This message also fails (due to the...

Alright, I opened a new issue for the body-comment bug https://github.com/conventional-changelog/commitlint/issues/3120

@jaklan Yes, #896 is purely about the implementation in [**`footer-leading-blank.ts`**](https://github.com/conventional-changelog/commitlint/blob/master/%40commitlint/rules/src/footer-leading-blank.ts#L13-L15), although a better parsing might help with that issue as well.

For me it was an issue that gyp was installed globally with a different version than cerebro is coming with. Cerebro from AUR comes with node 8.9.4 (LTS), while you...

Yeah it is definitely used [several times](https://github.com/1995eaton/chromium-vim/search?q=sendMessage&unscoped_q=sendMessage) in cVim.

My current workaround is: * build app once and check hash of image * reference image with hash in rust html: `html! { }`