
Results 9 issues of wtho

This would add an alternative compiling method alongside `ts-jest`. Done so far * Babel config is in plain js inside new `babel` folder * second preset is also located in...

Enhancement :sparkles:
:rocket: Feature Request

Babel put quite some resources into transpiling TypeScript to JS as well, and with the first-class support of babel in jest we would like to give the user the choice...

:rocket: Feature Request

As of today, v14 is in Maintenance mode and v16 is the active LTS version. https://nodejs.org/en/about/releases/ Is there a reason you use v12 in the Docker image? Would you mind...

Currently the fallback variables css file is generated by sass, but not minified. There could be an option to enable this. Sadly, sass does not minify imported CSS, so we...

Hey! Thanks for this starter! I reference my image in `html! { }`, but parcel does not load it. Is there some way to do so? Is this the right...

### Basic info: - **Node.js version:** v13.11.0 - **jsdom version:** v16.2.1 ### Minimal reproduction case ```js const { JSDOM } = require("jsdom"); const { window } = new JSDOM(``); window.DragEvent;...


### Is your feature request related to a problem? no ### Describe the solution you'd like There should be a command, maybe something like `vite build --mode ssg` to generate...


Hey there! I really like your website and the blog posts! So much valuable input! I realized there is no license in your repository. While it is completely valid to...

### Is your feature request related to a problem? Deno is production and developer ready. From the beginning qwik targeted deno as a runtime environment. Now with deno being able...

good first issue